Registration FAQ
Error message "Error sending information. Are you connected to the Internet?"
- It is possible that there is a temporary problem somewhere in the path
linking your computer to the EconModel server. Waiting a few minutes
should resolve this problem.
- A firewall between your computer and the Internet is the likely
explanation if this problem persists. If you are at a corporation or
government agency with strict security procedures regulating your connection
to the Internet, you may be unable to send your ticket information to the
EconModel server. If this is the case, contact for simple
instructions on how to work around this problem.
Error message "Registration failure (wrong ticket number or reused ticket
- The simplest explanation is that you either typed in the wrong number or
did not type in a number at all. The solution is to try again.
- Each ticket number is on a list on the EconModel server. Once a
ticket number is used, it is deleted and cannot be reused. EconModel
will only ask you to enter your ticket information once so you should not find
yourself trying the enter the same ticket number twice. After you enter
your ticket information, the links on "Step 3" should show your subscription
information, not the form to enter ticket information.
- If this does not solve your problem, contact
Running em.exe does not do anything
- This is what is supposed to happen. The program em.exe needs to know
what model to load. The only way to convey this information is to
click on a Model Link on the web site.