Pure Discount Bond
A pure discount bond makes a single payment at the maturity date of the bond. U.S. Treasury bills have this characteristic, but pure discount bonds are popular mainly as academic tools. It is convenient to introduce the notion of present value in terms of a pure discount bond because the payment structure is so simple.
The Classic Economic Models includes several models useful for a money and banking course.
Fixed Income Securities
mortgage/bond calculator
Growth Investments
present value calculator
Utility-Based Valuation of Risk
Mean-Variance Analysis:
Risk vs. Expected Return
Arbitrage Profit
Average Cost
Bond Yield
Budget Constraint
Consumption Function
Economic Agent
Economic Model
Economics Textbook
Federal Funds (Fed Funds) Rate
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Indifference Curve
Interest Rate
Marginal Cost
Marginal Product
Marginal Utility
Money and Banking
Optimizing Behavior
Perfect Competition
Present Value
Production Function
Production Possibility Frontier
Pure Discount Bond
Theory of the Consumer
Theory of the Firm
Unemployment Rate
Utility Function